Group name: NGB_Collection of local white clover populations in Northern Norway 2006 -2008
Note: Description: Local populations of white clover from North Norway have not previously been stored in NordGen. seeds from previous collections was used in breeding and research projects, but they do not exist any longer. A new collection was planned as a three year project 2006 - 2008. During the period 95 populations were collected from the regions Vesterålen, Lofoten, Nord-Salten, Sør-Salten, Midt-Helgeland and Inner Sør_Helgeland.Material was collected along the coast and in the valleys bordering to Sweden. Collections were primary done on cultivated or prior cultivated, meadows and pastures. Only few populations came from true natural habitats. from meadow in culture seeds were often harvested from plants that had flowered and set seeds after first harvest. Seed amount per population varied from 0,1 to 8 g. seeds from all populations and data was sent to NordGen.; Remarks: Financed by Genressursutvalget for kulturplanter.; Crop: Forages; Acronym: TRIFOLIUM-NOR; Scope: ngb
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NGB_Collection of local white clover populations in Northern Norway 2006 -2008