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Beet: petiole main color of lower side
(BEET_PETIO_MAIN_COL_LOW_SIDE) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [green], 2= [orange], 3= [red], 4= [purple]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
(GERMITY2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [monogerm], 2= [multigerm]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf: attitude of blade
(LEAF_ATT_BLA) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [erect], 3= [semi-erect], 5= [horizontal], 7= [semi-pendulous], 9= [pendulous]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf blade: anthocyanin coloration (at harvest maturity)
(LEAF_BLA_ANTHOC_COLN_AT_MATU) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent or very weak], 3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong], 9= [very strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤Measured at harvest maturity⸥
Leaf blade: blistering
(LEAF_BLA_BLIST2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf blade: length
(LEAF_BLA_LENGTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [short], 4= [between short and medium], 5= [medium], 6= [between medium and long], 7= [long], 8= [outlier1], 9= [outlier2]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf blade: shape
(LEAF_BLA_SHA_3-7) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [narrow elliptic], 5= [elliptic], 7= [broad elliptic]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf blade: undulation of margin
(LEAF_BLA_UND_MARG) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent or very weak], 2= [22.22% of very strong], 3= [weak], 4= [44.44% of very strong], 5= [medium], 6= [66.67% of very strong], 7= [strong], 8= [88.89% of very strong], 9= [very strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 9⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf blade: width
(LEAF_BLA_WIDTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Narrow], 5= [Medium], 7= [Broad]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf: length (including petiole)
(LEAF_LENGTH_INCL_PETIO) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [short], 5= [medium], 7= [long]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf: petiole attitude
(LEAF_PETIO_ATT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [erect], 3= [semi-erect], 5= [horizontal]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Petiole: width of base
(PETIO_WIDTH_BAS2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Narrow], 5= [Medium], 7= [Broad]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤Measured at root insertion.⸥
Root: shape of base
(ROOT_BAS_SHA4) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [pointed], 2= [rounded], 3= [flat], 4= [recessed]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: corkiness
(ROOT_CRKIN2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent or very weak], 3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong], 9= [very strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: external color
(ROOT_EXT_COL2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [yellow], 3= [red]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: intensity of main color of flesh
(ROOT_FLESH_COL_INT_MAIN3) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [light], 5= [medium], 7= [dark]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: main color of flesh
(ROOT_FLESH_COL_MAIN2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [yellow], 3= [red], 4= [purple]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: length
(ROOT_LENGTH6) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [short], 5= [medium], 7= [long]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: soil position
(ROOT_POS_SOIL2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very shallow], 2= [22.22% of very deep], 3= [shallow], 4= [44.44% of very deep], 5= [medium], 6= [66.67% of very deep], 7= [deep], 8= [88.89% of very deep], 9= [very deep]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 9⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: prominence of rings
(ROOT_PROMIN_RING) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent or very weak], 3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong], 9= [very strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: shape of longitudinal section
(ROOT_SHA_LON_SEC3) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [transverse narrow elliptic], 2= [transverse elliptic], 3= [circular], 4= [obovate], 5= [narrow oblong], 6= [narrow obtriangular]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: width
(ROOT_WIDTH3) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Narrow], 5= [Medium], 7= [Broad]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Seedling: hypocotyl anthocyanin coloration
(SEEDL_HYPOC_ANTHOC_COLN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent], 9= [present]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf blade: intensity of color
(UPOV_TWV/33/2_1999_5) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [light], 4= [between light and medium], 5= [medium], 6= [between medium and dark], 7= [dark], 8= [outlier1]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV_TWV/33/2_1999_5⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Bolting: tendency (from an early sowing)
(BOLT_TEND2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent or very weak], 3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong], 9= [very strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥