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Category: CHEMICAL
Alfa-carotenoid content
(ALF_CAR_CONT) Unit: ⸤µg/100g⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Beta carotenoid content
(BET_CAR_CONT) Unit: ⸤µg/100g⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Dry matter (%)
(DRY_MAT_PCT) Unit: ⸤% dry matter⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤Total percentage of dry matter⸥
Fructose content (g/100g fresh weight)
(FRU_CONT) Unit: ⸤g/100g fr.wgt⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Gamma carotenoid content
(GAM_CAR_CONT) Unit: ⸤µg/100g⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Glucose content (g/100g fresh weight)
(GLU_CONT) Unit: ⸤g/100g fr.wgt⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Nitrate content
(NITRA_CONT) Unit: ⸤mg/kg fr.wgt⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
(RET_EKV) Unit: ⸤RE, µg/100 g fr.wgt⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Sackarose content
(SAC_CONT) Unit: ⸤g/100g fr.wgt⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Sugar content
(SU_CONT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤Fructose content, glucose content and sacarose added together⸥
Category: DISEASE
Carrot: liquorice rot (Mycocentrospora acerina) length X depth
(CEC Genres-CT99-105 - l x d) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤Twenty carrots per accession were wounded 3 mm deep on the surface just above the middle of the root with a device (20x20 mm) with 25 metal needles (1 mm in diameter) and placed on a plastic net on damp cellulose in plastic containers. Each root was ino⸥
Carrot: liquorice rot (Mycocentrospora acerina) depth
(CEC Genres-CT99-105 - Myc - d) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤Twenty carrots per accession were wounded 3 mm deep on the surface just above the middle of the root with a device (20x20 mm) with 25 metal needles (1 mm in diameter) and placed on a plastic net on damp cellulose in plastic containers. Each root was ino⸥
Carrot: liquorice rot (Mycocentrospora acerina) length
(CEC Genres-CT99-105 - Myc - l) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤Twenty carrots per accession were wounded 3 mm deep on the surface just above the middle of the root with a device (20x20 mm) with 25 metal needles (1 mm in diameter) and placed on a plastic net on damp cellulose in plastic containers. Each root was ino⸥
Carrot: crater rot (Rhizoctonia carotae) index
(CEC Genres-CT99-105 - Rhi) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤Twenty carrot roots per accession were placed on a plastic net on damp cellulose paper in plastic containers. Each root was inoculated with two 8 mm diameter mycelial plugs taken from the edge of 12 day old potato dextrose agar cultures; one plug was take⸥
Carrot: sclerotina soft rot (Sclerotina sclerotiorum)
(CEC Genres-CT99-105 - Sci) Unit: ⸤%⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤Twenty carrot roots per accession were placed c. 20 mm apart on moistened cellulose paper in a plastic container. Each root was inoculated with two 8 mm diameter mycelial plugs; one each plug was from each of two isolates of S. sclerotiorum. The isolates⸥
Carrot: color of core
(CAR_COR_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [yellow], 3= [orange], 4= [red]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Intensity of color of core
(CAR_COR_COL_INT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [outlier1], 2= [outlier 2], 3= [light], 4= [between light and medium], 5= [medium], 6= [between medium and dark], 7= [dark]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: color of the cortex
(CAR_CORT_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [yellow], 3= [orange], 4= [red]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Intensity of color of cotex
(CAR_CORT_COL_INT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [light], 5= [medium], 7= [dark]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: diameter of core relative to total diameter
(CAR_DIA_COR_REL_TOTAL_DIA) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very small], 3= [small], 5= [medium], 7= [large], 9= [very large]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: intensity of external color
(CAR_EXT_COL_INT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [light], 5= [medium], 7= [dark]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: foliage crown width
(CAR_FOL_CRWN_WIDTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Narrow], 5= [Medium], 7= [Broad]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Green coloration of interior of top
(CAR_INT_TOP_COL_GREEN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent or very weak], 3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong], 9= [very strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤in longitudinal section⸥
Carrot: length
(CAR_LENGTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very short], 3= [short], 5= [medium], 7= [long], 9= [very long]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: tendency to bolting
(CAR_PLA_BOLT_TEND) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Root: ratio width/length
(CAR_RAT_WID_LEN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very small], 3= [small], 5= [medium], 7= [large], 9= [very large]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: root shape of Longitudinal section
(CAR_ROOT_SHA_LON_SEC) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [circular], 2= [obovate], 3= [obrtiangular], 4= [narrowly oblong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: root shape of shoulder
(CAR_ROOT_SHO_SHA) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [flat], 2= [flat to rounded], 3= [rounded], 4= [rounded to cronical], 5= [cronical]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Extent of green color of skin shoulder
(CAR_SHO_SKIN_COL_EXT_GREEN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent of very small], 2= [22.22% of very large], 3= [small], 4= [44.44% of very large], 5= [medium], 6= [66.67% of very large], 7= [large], 8= [88.89% of very large], 9= [very large]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 9⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: tip
(CAR_TIP) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [blunt], 2= [slightly pionted], 3= [pionted]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: Width
(CAR_WIDTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [narrow], 5= [medium], 7= [broad]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf: Intensity of green color
(LEAF_COL_INT_GREEN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [light], 5= [medium], 7= [dark]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf: length
(UPOV_ TG/49/6_3) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very short], 3= [short], 5= [medium], 7= [long], 9= [very long]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV_ TG/49/6_3⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: color of core compared to color of cortex
(UPOV_TG/49/6_24) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [lighter], 2= [same], 3= [darker], 5= [outlier1]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 3⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV_TG/49/6_24⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Leaf: division
(UPOV_TG/49/6_4-A) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very fine], 3= [fine], 5= [medium], 7= [coarse], 9= [very coarse]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV_TG/49/6_4-A⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: leaf petiole anthocyanin coloration
(UPOV_TG/49/6_4-B) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent], 9= [present]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV_TG/49/6_4-B⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: anthocyanin coloration of skin and shoulder
(UPOV_TG/49/6_ANTHOC) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent], 9= [present]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV_TG/49/6_ANTHOC⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: external color
(UPOV_TG/49/6_EXT_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [yellow], 3= [orange], 4= [red]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV_TG/49/6_EXT_COL⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
Carrot: time of maturety
(UPOV_TG/49/6_MATU) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very early], 3= [early], 5= [medium], 7= [late], 9= [very late]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV_TG/49/6_MATU⸥; Description: ⸤⸥