Accession Citations
- B. Sharma, Division of Genetics, IARI, Indian Agricultural, Research Institute. 1970. Mutagen: induced, but treatment not specified. Number of accession(s) cited: 10
- Bakkevig & Time, . 2007. Jærerter – ein gløymd nyttevekst som bør fram i lyset. I: Sjå Jæren, Årsbok for Jærmuseet. Note: Chapter in Yearbook from the Jær museum 2007 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Göte Turesson, . Mutagen: colchicine. Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Gunnar Berge. 1940. Hemträdgården. Number of accession(s) cited: 2
- J.K. Jaranowski, Agricultural University of Poznan, Faculty of Agronomy, Department of Genetics and Plant Breedin. 1966. Mutagen: gamma rays; Dose: 50000 rad. Number of accession(s) cited: 7
- K.K Sidorova, USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian Department, Institute of Cytology and Genetics. Mutagen: gamma rays. Number of accession(s) cited: 38
- Lena Nygårds och Matti Wiking Leino. 2013. Klint Karins kålrot och Mor Kristins böna. Number of accession(s) cited: 9
- Luigi Monti, . Mutagen: induced, but treatment not specified. Number of accession(s) cited: 6
- Lundén. 1913. Lundén, 1913, Photo p. 394. p. 394 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- M. Vassileva, IPGRI, FAO Representative. Mutagen: gamma rays; Dose: 5000 rad. Number of accession(s) cited: 46
- Nygårds & Leinno. 2013. Klint Karins kålrot och Mor kristins böna. Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Olov Gelin, Weibullsholm Plant Breeding Institute. Mutagen: x-rays. Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- S.J. Wellensiek, . 1959. Mutagen: ethylene imine. Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Solberg, S.Ø., Yndgaard, F., Poulsen, G., von Bothmer, R. 2017. Seed yield and protein content in the Weibullsholm Pisum collection. . Genet. Resources Crop Evol. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-017-0494-4. Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Stig Blixt, Weibullsholm Plant Breeding Institute. Mutagen: ethylene imine. Number of accession(s) cited: 433
- W. Swiecicki, Plant Breeding Station, Poznan Plant Breeders. Mutagen: fast-neutron irradiation; Dose: 350 rad. Number of accession(s) cited: 2
- Werner Gottschalk, Universität Bonn, Institut für Genetik. Mutagen: gamma rays. Number of accession(s) cited: 15
- Agri Hortique Genetica, band 3, 1945.
Agri Hortique Genetica, band 6, 1948.
Meddelande från danska Statens Planteavlsforsøg, 422 och 477. Number of accession(s) cited: 126
IPR Citations
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Pedigree Citations
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