
Category: COMMENT
  1. Sowing Date (SOW_DATE) Date of sowing
  1. Flower Color of the Standard (FLOW_COL_STAND) The color of the standard for freshly opened flowers
  2. Flower Color of Wings (FLOW_COL_WING) Flower color of wings
  3. Hypocotyl Pigmentation (HYPOC_PIG) Color of the hypocotyl
  4. Leaf Color Anthocyanin (LEAF_COL_ANTHOC) Leaf Color (anthocyanin pigmentation, red-purplish or red color)
  5. Leaf Color Green (LEAF_COL_GREEN) Leaf Color (chlorophyll)
  6. Plant Length [cm] (PLA_LEN) Plant Length as the distance (cm) from the soil surface to the top of the plant
  7. Plant Stem Diameter at Physiological Maturity (PM) [cm] (PLA_STE_DIA_PM) Stem Diameter (cm) just above the soil surface at plant maturity
  8. Pod Color at Physiological Maturity (PM) (POD_COL_PM) Pod Color at Physiological Maturity (PM)
  9. Pod Cross-Section (POD_CROSS_SEC) Pod Cross-Section from fully expanded immature pods
  10. Pod Curvature (POD_CURV) Pod Curvature for fully expanded immature pods
  11. Pod Length at dry harvest maturity [cm] (POD_LEN_DRY) Pod Length (cm) at dry harvest maturity
  12. Pattern of Pod Pigmentation at Physiological Maturity (PM) (POD_PIG_PAT_PM) Pattern of Pod Pigmentation at Physiological Maturity (PM)
  13. Pod Wall Fiber of the mature pods (POD_WALL_FIB_MAT) Pod Wall Fiber of the mature pods
  14. Pod Width [cm] (POD_WID) Pod Width (cm). Measured suture-suture with a ribbon.
  15. Seed Coat Coloring (SEED_COAT_COL) Seed Coat Coloring
  16. Seed Coat Ground Color (SEED_COAT_GRO_COL) Seed Coat Ground Color (primary color)
  17. Seed Coat Pattern (SEED_COAT_PAT) Seed Coat Pattern
  18. Total Seed Mass [g] (SEED_TOT_MAS) Total Seed Mass (g) of all of the seeds harvested individually from each plant
  19. Total Number of Seeds [count] (SEED_TOT_NUM) Total Number of Seeds (count) harvested individually from each plant
  1. Days to Emergence (DAYS_EMERG) Number of days after which the seedlings emerged, starting from the sowing day
  2. Pod Formation [days] (DAYS_POD_FORM) Number of days after planting until the plants have at least one visible pod
  3. Beginning of Flowering [days] (FLOW_DAYS_BEG) Number of days from sowing to the appearance of the first open flower. Record this based on the presence of one open flower at any node