Climbing French bean

  1. Beans: color of immature seed (BEAN_COL_IMM_SEED) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [light green]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤Observed at beginning of swelling of pod. Descriptor only used for white seeded varieties.⸥
  2. Beans: curvature degree (BEAN_CURV_DEG) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  3. Beans: number of colors (BEAN_NUM_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [one], 2= [two], 3= [more than two], 7= [outlier1]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 3⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  4. Beans: pod ground color (BEAN_POD_GROUND_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [yellow], 2= [green], 3= [violet]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  5. Beans: pod shape of cross section (through seed) (BEAN_POD_SHA_CROSS_SEC) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [elliptic to ovate], 2= [cordate], 3= [circular], 4= [eight-shaped]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  6. Beans: pod shape of curvature (BEAN_POD_SHA_CURV) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [concave], 2= [s-shaped], 3= [convex]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  7. Beans: pod shape of distal part (excluding beak) (BEAN_POD_SHA_DIST_PART) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [acute], 2= [acute to trunkate], 3= [trunkate], 5= [outlier1]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 3⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  8. Beans: pod ratio transverse width/median witdth (BEAN_POD_TRANS_WID/MED_WID) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Small], 5= [Medium], 7= [Large]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  9. Beans: secondary color hue (BEAN_SEC_COL_HUE) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [red], 2= [violet], 3= [outlier1]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 2⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  10. Beans: seed distribution of predominant secondary color (BEAN_SEED_DIST_SEC_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [around hilum], 2= [in streaks], 3= [on half of grain], 4= [in patches]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  11. Beans: seed main color (largest area) (BEAN_SEED_MAIN_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [grey], 3= [yellow], 4= [buff colored], 5= [brown], 6= [red], 7= [violet], 8= [black], 9= [outlier1]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 8⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  12. Beans: seed shape of median cross-section (BEAN_SEED_SHA_MED_CROSS_SEC) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [flat], 2= [narrow elliptic], 3= [elliptic], 4= [broad elliptic], 5= [elliptic circular]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  13. Dwarf beans: plant height (DWARF_BEAN_PLANT_HEIGHT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [low], 5= [medium], 7= [high]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  14. Dwarf beans: pod length including beak (DWARF_BEAN_POD_LENGTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very short], 3= [short], 5= [medium], 7= [long], 9= [very long]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  15. Dwarf beans: dwarf type (DWARF_BEAN_TYP) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [non-vining], 2= [vining]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  16. Dwarf beans: location of infloresence (DWART_BEAN_LOC_INFLO) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [in foliage], 2= [partly in foliage], 3= [above foliage]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤Observed in full flowering.⸥
  17. Flower: color of standard (FLOW_COL_STANDARD2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [pink], 3= [violet]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  18. Flower: size of bract (FLOW_SIZE_BRAC) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Small], 5= [Medium], 7= [Large]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  19. Flower: wing color (FLOW_WING_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [pink], 3= [violet], 4= [outlier1]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 3⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  20. Leaf: green color (LEAF_COL_GREEN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very pale], 2= [22.22% of very dark], 3= [pale], 4= [44.44% of very dark], 5= [medium], 6= [66.67% of very dark], 7= [dark], 8= [88.89% of very dark], 9= [very dark]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 9⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  21. Leaf: rugosity (LEAF_RUG) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [weak], 4= [between weak and medium], 5= [medium], 6= [between medium and strong], 7= [strong], 9= [outlier2]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  22. Plant: anthocyanin coloration of hypocotyl (PLA_ANTHOC_COL_HYPOC) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent], 9= [present]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  23. Plant: growth type (PLA_GROW_TYPE) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [dwarf], 2= [climbing], 9= [outlier1]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 2⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  24. Pod: length of beak (POD_BEAK_LENGTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [short], 5= [medium], 7= [long]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  25. Pod: constrictions (at dry stage) (POD_CONSTRICT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent or very slight], 3= [slight], 5= [medium], 7= [pronounced], 9= [very pronounced]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  26. Pod: curvature of beak (POD_CURV_BEAK) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent or very weak], 3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong], 9= [very strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  27. Pod: degree of curvature (POD_DEGREE_CURV) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent or very weak], 3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong], 9= [very strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  28. Pod: density of flecks of secondary color (POD_DENS_FLE_SEC_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [sparse], 4= [between sparse and medium], 5= [medium], 6= [between medium and dense], 7= [dense], 9= [outlier1]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  29. Pod: intensity of ground color (POD_GROUND_COL_INT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [light], 5= [medium], 7= [dark]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  30. Pod: median width (POD_MED_WIDTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Narrow], 5= [Medium], 7= [Broad]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  31. Pod: secondary color (POD_SEC_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent], 9= [present]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  32. Pod: stringiness (POD_STRINGIN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent], 9= [present]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  33. Pod: texture of surface (POD_TEXT_SURF) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [outlier1], 2= [outlier2], 3= [smooth], 4= [between smoth and medium rough], 5= [medium rough], 6= [between medium rough and rough], 7= [rough]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  34. Pod: thickness (POD_THICKN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very thin (< 9 mm)], 3= [thin (9 mm <= x < 10 mm)], 5= [medium (10 mm <= x <= 12 mm)], 7= [thick (12 < x <= 14 mm)], 9= [very thick (> 14 mm)]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV TG 12/9⸥; Description: ⸤1=very thin is up to 9 mm\n3=thin is 9-10 mm\n5=medium is 10-12 mm\n7=thick is 12-14 mm \n9=very thick is above 14 mm⸥
  35. Seed: hilar ring color (SEED_HIL_RING_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [same color as seed], 2= [not same color as seed]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  36. Seed: number of colors (SEED_NUM_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [one], 2= [two], 3= [three]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  37. Seed: predominant secondary color (SEED_PRED_SEC_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [grey], 3= [yellow], 4= [buff colored], 5= [brown], 6= [red], 7= [violet], 8= [black]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  38. Seed: shape of median longitudinal section (SEED_SHA_MED_LONGI_SECT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [circular], 2= [circular to elliptic], 3= [elliptic], 4= [kidney-shaped]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  39. Seed: size (1-9 scale) (SEED_SIZE) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very small], 2= [22.22% of very large], 3= [small], 4= [44.44% of very large], 5= [medium], 6= [66.67% of very large], 7= [large], 8= [88.89% of very large], 9= [very large]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 9⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  40. Seed: veining (SEED_VEIN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [outlier1], 2= [outlier2], 3= [weak], 4= [between weak and medium], 5= [medium], 6= [between medium and strong], 7= [strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  41. Seed: width in cross-section (SEED_WIDTH_CROS_SECT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Narrow], 5= [Medium], 7= [Broad]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  42. Terminal leaflet: apex (TERM_LEAFL_APEX) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [short acuminate], 5= [medium acuminate], 7= [long acuminate]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  43. Terminal leaflet: shape (TERM_LEAFL_SHA2) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [triangular], 2= [triangular to circular], 3= [circular], 4= [circular to quadrangular], 5= [quadrangular]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  44. Terminal leaflet: size (TERM_LEAFL_SIZE) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Small], 5= [Medium], 7= [Large]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  1. Flowering: time to halftime (50% of the plants with at least one flower) (FL_PLA_TIME_HALF) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [very early], 3= [early], 5= [medium], 7= [late], 9= [very late]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥