
Category: DISEASE
  1. Chives: susceptibility to rust (Puccinia allii) (scale 3-7) (UPOV_TG/198/1_10) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [low], 4= [40.00% of high], 5= [medium], 6= [80.00% of high], 7= [high]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  2. Chives: susceptibility to downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) (UPOV_TG/198/1_11) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [low], 4= [40.00% of high], 5= [medium], 6= [80.00% of high], 7= [high]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  1. Leaf blade: cambering (LEAF_BLA_CAMB) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent], 3= [weak], 5= [medium], 7= [strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  2. Leaf blade: length (LEAF_BLA_LENGTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [short], 4= [between short and medium], 5= [medium], 6= [between medium and long], 7= [long], 8= [outlier1], 9= [outlier2]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  3. Leaf: waxiness (LEAF_WAX) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [weak], 4= [40.00% of strong], 5= [medium], 6= [80.00% of strong], 7= [strong]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  4. Onion: color of flower (ONION_FLOW_COL) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [light], 2= [medium], 3= [dark]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  5. Onion: size of flower (ONION_FLOW_SIZE) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [small], 2= [medium], 3= [large]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  6. Onion: length of inflorescense (ONION_INFLOR_LENGTH) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [low], 2= [medium], 3= [high]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  7. Onion: leaf attitude (ONION_LEAF_ATT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [horizontal], 5= [medium], 7= [erect]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  8. Onion: leaf green color (ONION_LEAF_COL_GREEN) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [light green], 2= [medium green], 3= [dark green], 4= [blueish green]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  9. Onion: leaf maximum diameter (ONION_LEAF_DIA_MAX) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Small], 5= [Medium], 7= [Large]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  10. Onion: number of flowering stalks per plant (ONION_NUM_FLOW_STAL_PLA) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [few], 2= [medium], 3= [many]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  11. Onion: plant height (ONION_PLA_HEIGHT) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [low], 2= [medium], 3= [high]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  12. Onion: shape of plant (ONION_PLA_SHAPE) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [slightly bushy], 2= [medium bushy], 3= [highly bushy]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  13. Onion: yellowing of leaves (ONION_YELLOW_LEAV) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [low], 2= [medium], 3= [high]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤k857⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  14. Chives: tendency to branching (UPOV_TG/198/1_1) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [high], 4= [40.00% of low], 5= [medium], 6= [80.00% of low], 7= [low]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV TG/198/1 (april 2003)⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  15. Chives: ability to flower (UPOV_TG/198/1_13) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent], 2= [present]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  16. Chives: flower color (UPOV_TG/198/1_15) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [white], 2= [pink], 3= [purple], 99= [mixed]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  17. Chives: seed coat color (UPOV_TG/198/1_18) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [brown], 2= [black], 99= [other (specify)]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  18. Flower: leafbase anthocyanin color (UPOV_TG/198/1_19(8)) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [absent], 9= [present]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  19. Chives: form of crosssection (UPOV_TG/198/1_2(11)) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [circular], 2= [semicirkular]⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  20. Chives: leaf length (UPOV_TG/198/1_3(1)) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤2= [outlier1], 3= [short], 4= [between short and medium], 5= [medium], 6= [between medium and long], 7= [long]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  21. Chives: leaf diameter (UPOV_TG/198/1_4(10)) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [Small], 4= [40.00% of Large], 5= [Medium], 6= [80.00% of Large], 7= [Large]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  22. Chives: leaf color (UPOV_TG/198/1_5(7)) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [light], 4= [40.00% of dark], 5= [medium], 6= [80.00% of dark], 7= [dark]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  23. Chives: leaf attitude (UPOV_TG/198/1_7(3)) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤1= [erect], 2= [40.00% of horizontal], 3= [semi-erect], 4= [80.00% of horizontal], 5= [horizontal]⸥; Scale: ⸤1 to 5⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  24. Chives: leaf length (scale: cm) (UPOV_TG/198/1-3(9)) Unit: ⸤cm⸥; Codes: ⸤null⸥; Scale: ⸤⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥
  1. Flowering: time (UPOV_TG/198/1_14(19)) Unit: ⸤⸥; Codes: ⸤3= [early], 4= [40.00% of late], 5= [medium], 6= [80.00% of late], 7= [late]⸥; Scale: ⸤3 to 7⸥; Standard: ⸤UPOV guideline TG/198/1, april 2003⸥; Description: ⸤⸥