Accession Citations
- Hellbo E. & Esbo, H. 1948. Systematisk behandling av våra potatissorter. Lantbruksförb:s tidskr.-ab. Number of accession(s) cited: 61
- Olsson, K., Svensson, R. & Roslund, C-A., . 2004. Tuber components affecting acrylamide formation and colour in fried potato: variation by variety, year, storage temperature and storage time. J. Sci. Food Agric. 84(5):447-458 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Roer, Lars. . 1981. Beskrivelse av potetsorter, Statens planteavlsråd, (Norway). Number of accession(s) cited: 21
- Viklund, G. Å. I., Olsson, K. M., Sjöholm, I.M. & Skog, K.I.,. 2008. Impact of harvest year on amino acids and sugars in potatoes and effect on acrylamide formation during frying. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56 (15):6180–6184. Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- 1974. Aktuellt Från Svalöf. 2:18-24 Number of accession(s) cited: 100
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