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Distribution Policies

Connected institutes

Nordic Genetic Resource Center

NordGen strive to handle orders as fast as possible; however, during holidays and peak seasons it may take 10 working days or more to handle an order.

For your information, the normal amount for distribution is 250 seeds per accession. The seed amount for breeding and research material of cereals is 10 seeds. For large seeded species like peas and beans the amount is 25 seeds per accession and for some specific vegetables, the seed amount is also reduced to 10-25 seeds.

Who can order seeds:

Scientists, plant breeders, educators, producers and other bona fide research and education entities. Important: Students and PhD-students and similar functions must ask their supervisor/head of department to requests the seeds for the specific study/purpose. This is because the signing of the SMTA may have financial or other vital implication for the organisation to whom the student/employee belongs.

Hobby growers are referred to NordGens webshop

Grasagardur Reykjavikur, (Reykjavik Botanic Garden)

Clonal propagation material can be provided upon request via e-mail (botgard@reykjavik.is).

Aarhus Universitet, Department of Food Science

Genbank of vegetatively propagated crops at AU-FOOD Since vegetatively propagated material comes from plants growing in the field, there are times of the year where propagation and re-planting is more likely to be successful than other. Therefore, requests for propagated material to AU-FOOD is handled as fast as possible, and we are happy to discuss and advise on the best time for extracting plant material from the collection and re-planting it. The amount and form of the plant material that is distributed depends on the crop. We distribute enough plant material for successful re-planting and growth of one or a few new plants. The material is packed to ensure a safe transport to the receiver.


Grafting material orders should be in no later than the 31st of December for delivery the following spring. Material is sent out ultimo March / primo April. For each variety you get a number of shoots enough to make about 10 grafts or more. Most often 2-4 shoots depending on the quality of the shoots. Price is 100 kr. Pr. Variety. A minimum order of three varieties (300 kr.) We charge 85 kr. For postage and handling

Polli Horticultural Research Centre

The Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge

Genebank handles orders as fast as possible, maximal within a week. Amount for distribution is 50-200 seeds per accession depending on the species. For in vitro accessions we deliver 3-6 plants.

Luke Natural Resources Institute Finland

In the case of interest for the material of the Finnish clonal collections, please contact The Finnish national programme for the plant genetic resources (kasvigeenivarat@luke.fi).

Latvian State Forest Research Institute ‘Silava’

The Latvian Gene Bank will handle orders as fast as possible. Please note that quarantine or other requirements may delay processing for some species and/or shipping locations. The normal amount for distribution is 25-50 seeds per accession, other amounts can be arranged by contacting us.

Swedish National Genebank

For questions concerning distribution from The Swedish National Gene Bank for Vegetatively Propagated Horticultural Crops, please contact us using e-mail nationellagenbanken@slu.se

Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre, NIBIO

Orders of genetic material from the Norwegian gene bank collection of vegetatively propagated material must be addressed directly to the local clone archive holding the material. Please note that the distribution of clonal material must adhere to national plant health regulations.

At the current time, regarding cloned material, we are still not able to send this out of the country due to plant protection regulations.

Botanical Garden of University of Tartu