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0NGB 5188 VALDASTADIR 381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAHYD IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-04Valdastadir, Kjosarhreppur64.34166667, -21.55833333106Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 510018722NGB 5188
1NGB 5189 THORLAKSSTADIR 481/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JANBB IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-04Thorlaksstadir, Kjosarhreppur64.32500000, -21.5416666733Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110018875NGB 5189
2NGB 5190 LITLI BOTN 881/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JANEE IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-05Litli Botn, Strandahreppur64.40833333, -21.3083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 110018878NGB 5190
3NGB 5191 FOSSA 1081/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAFQG IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-05Fossa, Kjosarhreppur64.34166667, -21.4583333342Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210018635NGB 5191
4NGB 5192 EYRI 1181/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAGF3 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-05Eyri, Kjosarhreppur64.34166667, -21.7083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Slope percent: 110018660NGB 5192
5NGB 5193 BRUSASTADIR 1281/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAHWB IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-09Brusastadir, Thingvallahreppur64.27500000, -21.17500000190Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310018719NGB 5193
6NGB 5194 KALDARHÖFDI 1481/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAKHV IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-09Kaldarhöfdi, Grimsneshreppur64.14166667, -21.00833333150Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: PLA; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310019091NGB 5194
7NGB 5195 NEDRA APAVATN 1781/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAKGT IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-10Nedra Apavatn, Grimsneshreppur64.15833333, -20.7083333370Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310018787NGB 5195
8NGB 5196 AUSTUREY 1881/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JANDD IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-10Austurey, Laugardalshreppur64.19166667, -20.6416666766Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210018877NGB 5196
9NGB 5197 LAUGARDALSHOLAR 2081/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAFYQ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-10Laugardalsholar, Laugardalshreppur64.24166667, -20.97500000100Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210018937NGB 5197
10NGB 5198 KOT 2581/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAFC5 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-11Kot, Rangarvallahreppur63.94166667, -20.17500000160Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210018908NGB 5198
11NGB 5199 REYNIFELL 2681/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAN00 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-11Reynifell, Rangarvallahreppur63.80833333, -20.00833333185Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 210018843NGB 5199
12NGB 5200 KELDUR 2881/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAKBN IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-11Keldur, Rangarvallahreppur63.82500000, -20.84166667100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210019080NGB 5200
13NGB 5201 KALASTADIR 2981/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAK3D IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Kalastadir, Strandahreppur64.40833333, -21.6916666730Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210019069NGB 5201
14NGB 5202 HLID 3181/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAMV* IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Hlid, Strandahreppur64.40833333, -21.7750000056Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 410018852NGB 5202
15NGB 5203 TUNGA 3281/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAKNZ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Tunga, Strandahreppur64.44166667, -21.7416666780Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310019093NGB 5203
16NGB 5204 HLIDARFOTUR 3381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAMKR IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Hlidarfotur, Strandahreppur64.44166667, -21.7083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 110019140NGB 5204
17NGB 5205 TJÖRN 3581/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJ1G IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-18Tjörn, Biskupstungnahreppur64.22500000, -20.4916666786Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 510019034NGB 5205
18NGB 5206 BOL 3681/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAKDQ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-18Bol, Biskupstunguhreppur64.22500000, -20.4583333396Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210019087NGB 5206
19NGB 5207 HELLUDALUR 4081/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAGYJ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-18Helludalur, Biskupsungnahreppur64.34166667, -20.32500000100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410019005NGB 5207
20NGB 5208 GALTALÄKUR 4381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAKP* IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-19Galtaläkur, Biskupstungnahreppur64.19166667, -20.39166667100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 310018796NGB 5208
21NGB 5209 BAKKI 4681/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAFKC IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-22Bakki, Leirar og Melahreppur64.40833333, -21.958333336Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210018640NGB 5209
22NGB 5210 KATANES 5181/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJEX IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-29Katanes, Leirarhreppur64.37500000, -21.7583333310Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210018744NGB 5210
23NGB 5211 GRÖF 5381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJ6N IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-29Gröf, Skilmannahreppur64.34166667, -21.8583333320Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 310018731NGB 5211
24NGB 5212 SKORHOLT 6081/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAM49 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-30Skorholt, Leirar og Melahreppur64.40833333, -21.9250000020Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310019126NGB 5212
25NGB 5213 GILJAR 6381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAM5A IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Giljar, Halsahreppur64.67500000, -21.07500000121Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210018821NGB 5213
26NGB 5214 AUDSSTADIR 6581/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJCV IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Audsstadir, Halsahreppur64.67500000, -21.1416666783Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310018738NGB 5214
27NGB 5215 RAUDSGIL 6681/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJ8Q IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Raudsgil, Halsahreppur64.65833333, -21.2250000054Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310018734NGB 5215
28NGB 5216 STEINDORSSTADIR 6781/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAFVM IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Steindorsstadir, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.65833333, -21.2583333350Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210018645NGB 5216
29NGB 5217 GRÖF 6981/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAKMY IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Gröf, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.67500000, -21.4083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310018790NGB 5217
30NGB 5218 KOPAREYKIR 7181/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAH5S IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Kopareykir, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.65833333, -21.3416666790Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Slope percent: 210018688NGB 5218
31NGB 5219 KJALVARASTADIR 7281/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JANHH IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Kjalvarastadir, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.65833333, -21.3416666740Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Slope percent: 210018891NGB 5219
32NGB 5220 LITLA-DRAGEYRI 7381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAM38 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Litla-drageyri, Skorradalshreppur64.52500000, -21.5916666780Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 110019117NGB 5220
33NGB 5221 DAGVERDARNES 7681/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAHVA IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-09Dagverdarnes, Skorradalshreppur64.52500000, -21.49166667200Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310019028NGB 5221
34NGB 5222 VATNSENDI 7781/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAKFS IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-09Vatnsendi, Skorradalshreppur64.55833333, -21.59166667140Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310019088NGB 5222
35NGB 5223 GRUND 7981/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAHZE IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-09Grund, Skorradalshreppur64.55833333, -21.60833333100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210019033NGB 5223
36NGB 5224 SYDSTUFOSSAR 8081/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAM6B IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Sydstufossar, Andakilshreppur64.55833333, -21.7083333350Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110019127NGB 5224
37NGB 5225 MOFELLSSTADAKOT 8381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJ4K IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Mofellsstadakot, Skorradalshreppur64.52500000, -21.6583333375Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210018728NGB 5225
38NGB 5226 NEDRIHREPPUR 8481/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAN11 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Nedrihreppur, Skorradalshreppur64.55833333, -21.7250000060Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210019158NGB 5226
39NGB 5227 HÖFN 8581/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAHH0 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Höfn, Leirar og Melahreppur64.47500000, -21.9916666710Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210018702NGB 5227
40NGB 5228 HEGGSSTADIR 8881/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAM05 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Heggsstadir, Andakilshreppur64.59166667, -21.6750000060Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 210018818NGB 5228
41NGB 5229 HVITARVELLIR 8981/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJH* IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Hvitarvellir, Andakilshreppur64.60833333, -21.7083333320Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 310019051NGB 5229
42NGB 5230 EYRI 9181/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAH4R IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-15Eyri, Andakilshreppur64.44166667, -21.6750000075Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110019008NGB 5230
43NGB 5231 HÄLL 9381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAM9E IcelandNORDGENNot Available1985COLLECTED1981-07-15Häll, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.62500000, -21.37500000130Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210018815NGB 5231
44NGB 5232 KALMANSTUNGA 9681/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAM8D IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-21Kalmanstunga, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.72500000, -20.80833333230Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210019129NGB 5232
45NGB 5233 FLJOTSTUNGA 9781/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJGZ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-21Fljotstunga, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.75833333, -20.85833333220Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410018745NGB 5233
46NGB 5234 GILSBAKKI 9981/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAHXC IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-21Gilsbakki, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.72500000, -20.99166667180Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210019032NGB 5234
47NGB 5235 SAMSSTADIR 10481/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JANGG IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-22Samsstadir, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.70833333, -21.2250000060Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210018881NGB 5235
48NGB 5236 EINIFELL 10681/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAG7* IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-22Einifell, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.70833333, -21.5916666733Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 310018656NGB 5236
49NGB 5237 SVARFHOLL 10981/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAGA= IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-23Svarfholl, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.64166667, -21.6916666710Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210018945NGB 5237
50NGB 5238 HAMRAENDAR 11181/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAG2V IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-23Hamraendar, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.67500000, -21.6083333310Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310018939NGB 5238
51NGB 5239 SIDUMULI 11481/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJY8 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-23Sidumuli, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.70833333, -21.3916666750Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110018766NGB 5239
52NGB 5240 KROKUR 11681/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAMX' IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Krokur, Nordurardalshreppur64.84166667, -21.3083333380Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210019154NGB 5240
53NGB 5241 HOLL 11781/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAGG4 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Holl, Nordurardalshreppur64.84166667, -21.37500000100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410018967NGB 5241
54NGB 5242 SKARDSHAMAR 11881/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAK0A IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Skardshamar, Nordurardalshreppur64.80833333, -21.4583333380Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: NW; Slope percent: 310018767NGB 5242
55NGB 5243 KLETTSTIA 12081/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAFNE IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Klettstia, Nordurardalshreppur64.82500000, -21.47500000110Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Slope percent: 210018641NGB 5243
56NGB 5244 HREDAVATN 12281/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAGH5 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Hredavatn, Nordurardalshreppur64.75833333, -21.6083333356Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410018661NGB 5244
57NGB 5245 ERPSSTADIR 12381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAMBG IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Erpsstadir, Middalahreppur65.00833333, -21.6250000050Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 210019131NGB 5245
58NGB 5246 SAURSSTADIR 12881/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAMW~ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Saursstadir, Haukadalshreppur64.05833333, -21.5583333347Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210018853NGB 5246
59NGB 5247 KALDAKINN 12981/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJ5M IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Kaldakinn, Haukadalshreppur64.99166667, -21.70833333100Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310019037NGB 5247
60NGB 5248 TUNGA 13181/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAFB4 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Tunga, Hördudalshreppur65.02500000, -21.6416666750Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310018907NGB 5248
61NGB 5249 SVINHOLL 13381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJ7P IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Svinholl, Middalahreppur65.02500000, -21.60833333100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 210019038NGB 5249
62NGB 5250 VALSHAMAR 13681/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAHT9 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-20Valshamar, Alftaneshreppur64.62500000, -22.0083333340Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210018716NGB 5250
63NGB 5251 AKRAR 14181/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JANFF IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-25Akrar, Hraunhreppur64.64166667, -22.3916666710Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 210018879NGB 5251
64NGB 5252 HOLMAKOT 14281/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAH1N IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-25Holmakot, Hraunhreppur64.57500000, -22.3083333310Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210018681NGB 5252
65NGB 5253 HUNDASTAPI 14381/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAJAS IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-25Hundastapi, Hraunhreppur64.60833333, -22.2583333315Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 210018736NGB 5253
66NGB 5254 HRAFNKELSSTADIR 14981/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAFRH IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-26Hrafnkelsstadir, Hraunhreppur64.62500000, -22.1250000020Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 110018927NGB 5254
67NGB 5255 SYDRI-HRAUNDALUR 15181/1Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JAH7V IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-26Sydri-hraundalur, Alftaneshreppur64.72500000, -21.99166667100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 410018690NGB 5255
68NGB 5256 VALDASTADIR 381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAW57 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-04Valdastadir, Kjosarhreppur64.34166667, -21.55833333106Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 510038430NGB 5256
69NGB 5257 THORLAKSSTADIR 481/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAZ3V IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-04Thorlaksstadir, Kjosarhreppur64.32500000, -21.5416666733Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110038734NGB 5257
70NGB 5258 LITLI BOTN 881/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB03P IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-05Litli Botn, Strandahreppur64.40833333, -21.3083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 110038872NGB 5258
71NGB 5259 FOSSA 1081/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAX30 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-05Fossa, Kjosarhreppur64.34166667, -21.4583333342Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210038526NGB 5259
72NGB 5260 EYRI 1181/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAZTD IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-05Eyri, Kjosarhreppur64.34166667, -21.7083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Slope percent: 110038808NGB 5260
73NGB 5261 BRUSASTADIR 1281/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB09W IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-09Brusastadir, Thingvallahreppur64.27500000, -21.17500000190Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310038888NGB 5261
74NGB 5262 KALDARHÖFDI 1481/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAZ0R IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-09Kaldarhöfdi, Grimsneshreppur64.14166667, -21.00833333150Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: PLA; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310038721NGB 5262
75NGB 5263 NEDRA APAVATN 1781/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAVPX IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-10Nedra Apavatn, Grimsneshreppur64.15833333, -20.7083333370Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310038388NGB 5263
76NGB 5264 AUSTUREY 1881/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYD5 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-10Austurey, Laugardalshreppur64.19166667, -20.6416666766Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038649NGB 5264
77NGB 5265 LAUGARDALSHOLAR 2081/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB0BY IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-10Laugardalsholar, Laugardalshreppur64.24166667, -20.97500000100Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038898NGB 5265
78NGB 5266 KOT 2581/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAVRZ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-11Kot, Rangarvallahreppur63.94166667, -20.17500000160Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038408NGB 5266
79NGB 5267 REYNIFELL 2681/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAX85 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-11Reynifell, Rangarvallahreppur63.80833333, -20.00833333185Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 210038536NGB 5267
80NGB 5268 KELDUR 2881/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB0CZ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-11Keldur, Rangarvallahreppur63.82500000, -20.84166667100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038899NGB 5268
81NGB 5269 KALASTADIR 2981/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAZYH Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Kalastadir, Strandahreppur64.40833333, -21.6916666730Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038853NGB 5269
82NGB 5270 HLID 3181/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAZJ5 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Hlid, Strandahreppur64.40833333, -21.7750000056Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 410038811NGB 5270
83NGB 5271 TUNGA 3281/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAX74 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Tunga, Strandahreppur64.44166667, -21.7416666780Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 3100Accession remark: ACC38534NGB 5271
84NGB 5272 HLIDARFOTUR 3381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAX1= IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Hlidarfotur, Strandarhreppur64.44166667, -21.7083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 110038517NGB 5272
85NGB 5273 TJÖRN 3581/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAWWY IcelandNORDGENNot Available1985COLLECTED1981-06-18Tjörn, Biskupstungnahreppur64.22500000, -20.4916666786Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 510038486NGB 5273
86NGB 5274 BOL 3681/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYMC IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-18Bol, Biskupstunguhreppur64.22500000, -20.4583333396Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210038682NGB 5274
87NGB 5275 HELLUDALUR 4081/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB14J IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-18Helludalur, Biskupsungnahreppur64.34166667, -20.32500000100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410038981NGB 5275
88NGB 5276 GALTALÄKUR 4381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB07T IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-19Galtaläkur, Biskupstunguhreppur64.19166667, -20.39166667100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 310038881NGB 5276
89NGB 5277 BAKKI 4681/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB08V IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-22Bakki, Leirar og Melahreppur64.40833333, -21.958333336Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038882NGB 5277
90NGB 5278 KATANES 5181/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB0J0 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-29Katanes, Leirarhreppur64.37500000, -21.7583333310Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038912NGB 5278
91NGB 5279 GRÖF 5381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAXMH IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-29Gröf, Skilmannahreppur64.34166667, -21.8583333320Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 310038591NGB 5279
92NGB 5280 SKORHOLT 6081/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAVW= IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-30Skorholt, Leirar og Melahreppur64.40833333, -21.9250000020Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310038412NGB 5280
93NGB 5281 GILJAR 6381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAWZ~ Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Giljar, Halsahreppur64.67500000, -21.07500000121Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210038496NGB 5281
94NGB 5282 AUDSSTADIR 6581/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAX63 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Audsstadir, Halsahreppur64.67500000, -21.1416666783Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310038533NGB 5282
95NGB 5283 RAUDSGIL 6681/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYWM IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Raudsgil, Halsahreppur64.65833333, -21.2250000054Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310038717NGB 5283
96NGB 5284 STEINDORSSTADIR 6781/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAXEB IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Steindorsstadir, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.65833333, -21.2583333350Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210038558NGB 5284
97NGB 5285 GRÖF 6981/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAWXZ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Gröf, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.67500000, -21.4083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310038491NGB 5285
98NGB 5286 KOPAREYKIR 7181/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAXYV IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Kopareykir, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.65833333, -21.3416666790Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Slope percent: 210038623NGB 5286
99NGB 5287 KJALVARASTADIR 7281/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAZ5X IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Kjalvarastadir, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.65833333, -21.3416666740Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Slope percent: 210038741NGB 5287
100NGB 5288 LITLA-DRAGEYRI 7381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAXZW IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Litla-drageyri, Skorradalshreppur64.52500000, -21.5916666780Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 110038624NGB 5288
101NGB 5289 DAGVERDARNES 7681/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAXXT IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-09Dagverdarnes, Skorradalshreppur64.52500000, -21.49166667200Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310038622NGB 5289
102NGB 5290 VATNSENDI 7781/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAWDF IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-09Vatnsendi, Skorradalshreppur64.55833333, -21.59166667140Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310038447NGB 5290
103NGB 5291 GRUND 7981/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAWEG IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-09Grund, Skorradalshreppur64.55833333, -21.60833333100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038448NGB 5291
104NGB 5292 SYDSTUFOSSAR 8081/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAWCE IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Sydstufossar, Andakilshreppur64.55833333, -21.7083333350Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110038446NGB 5292
105NGB 5293 MOFELLSSTADAKOT 8381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAY0X IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Mofellsstadakot, Skorradalshreppur64.52500000, -21.6583333375Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210038625NGB 5293
106NGB 5294 NEDRIHREPPUR 8481/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB00K IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Nedrihreppur, Skorradalshreppur64.55833333, -21.7250000060Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210038859NGB 5294
107NGB 5295 HÖFN 8581/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYYP IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Höfn, Leirar og Melahreppur64.47500000, -21.9916666710Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210038713NGB 5295
108NGB 5296 HEGGSSTADIR 8881/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB12G IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Heggsstadir, Andakilshreppur64.59166667, -21.6750000060Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 210038962NGB 5296
109NGB 5297 HVITARVELLIR 8981/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB0M2 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Hvitarvellir, Andakilshreppur64.60833333, -21.7083333320Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 310038914NGB 5297
110NGB 5298 EYRI 9181/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYF7 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-15Eyri, Andakilshreppur64.44166667, -21.6750000075Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110038662NGB 5298
111NGB 5299 HÄLL 9381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAY1Y IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-15Häll, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.62500000, -21.37500000130Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038626NGB 5299
112NGB 5300 KALMANSTUNGA 9681/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAWTW IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-21Kalmanstunga, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.72500000, -20.80833333230Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038476NGB 5300
113NGB 5301 FLJOTSTUNGA 9781/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYVK IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-21Fljotstunga, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.75833333, -20.85833333220Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410038716NGB 5301
114NGB 5302 GILSBAKKI 9981/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAWMP IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-21Gilsbakki, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.72500000, -20.99166667180Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210038455NGB 5302
115NGB 5303 SAMSSTADIR 10481/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB0N3 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-22Samsstadir, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.70833333, -21.2250000060Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038915NGB 5303
116NGB 5304 EINIFELL 10681/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAY2Z IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-22Einifell, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.70833333, -21.5916666733Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 310038627NGB 5304
117NGB 5305 SVARFHOLL 10981/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB0V9 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-23Svarfholl, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.64166667, -21.6916666710Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210038923NGB 5305
118NGB 5306 HAMRAENDAR 11181/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAX41 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-23Hamraendar, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.67500000, -21.6083333310Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310038530NGB 5306
119NGB 5307 SIDUMULI 11481/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAVQY IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-23Sidumuli, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.70833333, -21.3916666750Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110038399NGB 5307
120NGB 5308 KROKUR 11681/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAW46 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Krokur, Nordurardalshreppur64.84166667, -21.3083333380Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210038429NGB 5308
121NGB 5309 HOLL 11781/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAY4~ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Holl, Nordurardalshreppur64.84166667, -21.37500000100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410038619NGB 5309
122NGB 5310 SKARDSHAMAR 11881/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYQF IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Skardshamar, Nordurardalshreppur64.80833333, -21.4583333380Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: NW; Slope percent: 310038692NGB 5310
123NGB 5311 KLETTSTIA 12081/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYTJ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Klettstia, Nordurardalshreppur64.82500000, -21.47500000110Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Slope percent: 210038710NGB 5311
124NGB 5312 HREDAVATN 12281/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYZQ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Hredavatn, Nordurardalshreppur64.75833333, -21.6083333356Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410038714NGB 5312
125NGB 5313 ERPSSTADIR 12381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAWKN IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Erpsstadir, Middalahreppur65.00833333, -21.6250000050Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 210038454NGB 5313
126NGB 5314 SAURSSTADIR 12881/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAVS* IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Saursstadir, Haukadalshreppur64.05833333, -21.5583333347Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210038409NGB 5314
127NGB 5315 KALDAKINN 12981/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAYXN IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Kaldakinn, Haukadalshreppur64.99166667, -21.70833333100Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310038718NGB 5315
128NGB 5316 TUNGA 13181/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB02N IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Tunga, Hördudalshreppur65.02500000, -21.6416666750Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310038867NGB 5316
129NGB 5317 SVINHOLL 13381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB9P~ IcelandNORDGENNot Available1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Svinholl, Middalahreppur65.02500000, -21.60833333100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 2100Accession remark: Inblandning av Festuca till 90% i batch 2!38891NGB 5317
130NGB 5318 VALSHAMAR 13681/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAZ4W IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-20Valshamar, Alftaneshreppur64.62500000, -22.0083333340Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210038737NGB 5318
131NGB 5319 AKRAR 14181/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB0HU IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-25Akrar, Hraunhreppur64.64166667, -22.3916666710Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 210038911NGB 5319
132NGB 5320 HOLMAKOT 14281/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAXA7 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-25Holmakot, Hraunhreppur64.57500000, -22.3083333310Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210038546NGB 5320
133NGB 5321 HUNDASTAPI 14381/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB0P4 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-25Hundastapi, Hraunhreppur64.60833333, -22.2583333315Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 210038917NGB 5321
134NGB 5322 HRAFNKELSSTADIR 14981/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JB0K1 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-26Hrafnkelsstadir, Hraunhreppur64.62500000, -22.1250000020Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 110038913NGB 5322
135NGB 5323 SYDRI-HRAUNDALUR 15181/2Poa pratensis L. 10.18730/1JAXPK IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-26Sydri-hraundalur, Alftaneshreppur64.72500000, -21.99166667100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 410038596NGB 5323
136NGB 5324 VALDASTADIR 381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JBE0Q IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-04Valdastadir, Kjosarhreppur64.34166667, -21.55833333106Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 510016539NGB 5324
137NGB 5325 THORLAKSSTADIR 481/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JRPAP IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-04Thorlaksstadir, Kjosarhreppur64.32500000, -21.5416666733Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110016351NGB 5325
138NGB 5326 LITLI BOTN 881/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB5D7 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-05Litli Botn, Strandahreppur64.40833333, -21.3083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 110016424NGB 5326
139NGB 5327 FOSSA 1081/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB53' Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-05Fossa, Kjosarhreppur64.34166667, -21.4583333342Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210016411NGB 5327
140NGB 5328 EYRI 1181/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JBDSG IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-05Eyri, Kjosarhreppur64.34166667, -21.7083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Slope percent: 110016702NGB 5328
141NGB 5329 BRUSASTADIR 1281/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB5PG Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-09Brusastadir, Thingvallahreppur64.27500000, -21.17500000190Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310016610NGB 5329
142NGB 5330 KALDARHÖFDI 1481/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4NM Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-09Kaldarhöfdi, Grimsneshreppur64.14166667, -21.00833333150Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: PLA; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310016390NGB 5330
143NGB 5331 NEDRA APAVATN 1781/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JRPBQ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-10Nedra Apavatn, Grimsneshreppur64.15833333, -20.7083333370Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310016414NGB 5331
144NGB 5332 AUSTUREY 1881/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB5NF Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-10Austurey, Laugardalshreppur64.19166667, -20.6416666766Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: CRE; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016609NGB 5332
145NGB 5333 LAUGARDALSHOLAR 2081/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JBDYN IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-10Laugardalsholar, Laugardalshreppur64.24166667, -20.97500000100Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016451NGB 5333
146NGB 5334 KOT 2581/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB5QH Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-11Kot, Rangarvallahreppur63.94166667, -20.17500000160Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016613NGB 5334
147NGB 5335 REYNIFELL 2681/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4FE Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-11Reynifell, Rangarvallahreppur63.80833333, -20.00833333185Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 210016380NGB 5335
148NGB 5336 KELDUR 2881/3Festuca rubra L. 10.18730/1JBDVJ IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-11Keldur, Rangarvallahreppur63.82500000, -20.84166667100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210019031NGB 5336
149NGB 5337 KALASTADIR 2981/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB6E3 IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Kalastadir, Strandahreppur64.40833333, -21.6916666730Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016704NGB 5337
150NGB 5338 HLID 3181/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4ZY IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Hlid, Strandahreppur64.40833333, -21.7750000056Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 410016555NGB 5338
151NGB 5339 TUNGA 3281/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB421 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Tunga, Strandahreppur64.44166667, -21.7416666780Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310016498NGB 5339
152NGB 5340 HLIDARFOTUR 3381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB5HB IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-16Hlidarfotur, Strandahreppur64.44166667, -21.7083333380Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 110016593NGB 5340
153NGB 5341 TJÖRN 3581/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB410 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-06-18Tjörn, Biskupstungnahreppur64.22500000, -20.4916666786Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 510016344NGB 5341
154NGB 5342 BOL 3681/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4XW IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-18Bol, Biskupstungnahreppur64.22500000, -20.4583333396Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210016554NGB 5342
155NGB 5343 HELLUDALUR 4081/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4JH IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-18Helludalur, Biskupstungnahreppur64.34166667, -20.32500000100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410016530NGB 5343
156NGB 5344 GALTALÄKUR 4381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB65Z IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-19Galtaläkur, Biskupstungnahreppur64.19166667, -20.39166667100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 310016678NGB 5344
157NGB 5345 BAKKI 4681/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB66* IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-22Bakki, Leirar og Melahreppur64.40833333, -21.958333336Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016679NGB 5345
158NGB 5346 KATANES 5181/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4VT IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-29Katanes, Leirarhreppur64.37500000, -21.7583333310Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016553NGB 5346
159NGB 5347 GRÖF 5381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4MK IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-29Gröf, Skilmannahreppur64.34166667, -21.8583333320Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 310016538NGB 5347
160NGB 5348 SKORHOLT 6081/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1K42HP IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-06-30Skorholt, Leirar og Melahreppur64.40833333, -21.9250000020Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310016537NGB 5348
161NGB 5349 GILJAR 6381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB571 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Giljar, Halsahreppur64.67500000, -21.07500000121Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210016413NGB 5349
162NGB 5350 AUDSSTADIR 6581/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB60T Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Audsstadir, Halsahreppur64.67500000, -21.1416666783Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310016640NGB 5350
163NGB 5351 RAUDSGIL 6681/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4RQ Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Raudsgil, Halsahreppur64.65833333, -21.2250000054Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310016394NGB 5351
164NGB 5352 STEINDORSSTADIR 6781/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3VZ Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-06Steindorsstadir, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.65833333, -21.2583333350Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210016321NGB 5352
165NGB 5353 GRÖF 6981/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB432 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Gröf, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.67500000, -21.4083333360Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310016345NGB 5353
166NGB 5354 KOPAREYKIR 7181/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3RW Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Kopareykir, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.65833333, -21.3416666790Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Slope percent: 210016491NGB 5354
167NGB 5355 KJALVARASTADIR 7281/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1K0YVE Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Kjalvarastadir, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.65833333, -21.3416666740Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Slope percent: 210016564NGB 5355
168NGB 5356 LITLA-DRAGEYRI 7381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3Y' Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-07Litla-drageyri, Skorradalshreppur64.52500000, -21.5916666780Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 110016494NGB 5356
169NGB 5357 DAGVERDARNES 7681/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4KJ Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-09Dagverdarnes, Skorradalshreppur64.52500000, -21.49166667200Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310016389NGB 5357
170NGB 5358 VATNSENDI 7781/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3PT Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-09Vatnsendi, Skorradalshreppur64.55833333, -21.59166667140Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310016484NGB 5358
171NGB 5359 GRUND 7981/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB40U Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-09Grund, Skorradalshreppur64.55833333, -21.60833333100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016497NGB 5359
172NGB 5360 SYDSTUFOSSAR 8081/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB5GA Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Sydstufossar, Andakilshreppur64.55833333, -21.7083333350Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110016457NGB 5360
173NGB 5361 MOFELLSSTADAKOT 8381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB5ME Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Mofellsstadakot, Skorradalshreppur64.52500000, -21.6583333375Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210016606NGB 5361
174NGB 5362 NEDRIHREPPUR 8481/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4YX Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Nedrihreppur, Skorradalshreppur64.55833333, -21.7250000060Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210016408NGB 5362
175NGB 5363 HÖFN 8581/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB6F4 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Höfn, Leirar og Melahreppur64.47500000, -21.9916666710Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210016705NGB 5363
176NGB 5364 HEGGSSTADIR 8881/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JBDTH IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Heggsstadir, Andakilshreppur64.59166667, -21.6750000060Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 210016318NGB 5364
177NGB 5365 HVITARVELLIR 8981/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB5RJ Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-10Hvitarvellir, Andakilshreppur64.60833333, -21.7083333320Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 310016616NGB 5365
178NGB 5366 EYRI 9181/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4SR Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-15Eyri, Andakilshreppur64.44166667, -21.6750000075Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110016548NGB 5366
179NGB 5367 HÄLL 9381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB62W Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-15Häll, Reykholtsdalshreppur64.62500000, -21.37500000130Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016644NGB 5367
180NGB 5368 KALMANSTUNGA 9681/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3W* Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-21Kalmanstunga, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.72500000, -20.80833333230Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016493NGB 5368
181NGB 5369 FLJOTSTUNGA 9781/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3GM Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-21Fljotstunga, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.75833333, -20.85833333220Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410016466NGB 5369
182NGB 5370 GILSBAKKI 9981/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4QP Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-21Gilsbakki, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.72500000, -20.99166667180Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210016391NGB 5370
183NGB 5371 MYRARSYSLA 10481/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3TY Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-22Myrarsysla, Hvitarsiduhreppur64.70833333, -21.2250000060Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016492NGB 5371
184NGB 5372 EINIFELL 10681/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB51* Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-22Einifell, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.70833333, -21.5916666733Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 310016410NGB 5372
185NGB 5373 SVARFHOLL 10981/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB6M9 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-23Svarfholl, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.64166667, -21.6916666710Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210016718NGB 5373
186NGB 5374 HAMRAENDAR 11181/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB55U Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-23Hamraendar, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.67500000, -21.6083333310Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310016412NGB 5374
187NGB 5375 SIDUMULI 11481/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB52~ Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-07-23Sidumuli, Stafholtstungnahreppur64.70833333, -21.3916666750Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Slope percent: 110016567NGB 5375
188NGB 5376 KROKUR 11681/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JBDXM IcelandNORDGEN1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Krokur, Nordurardalshreppur64.84166667, -21.3083333380Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 210016470NGB 5376
189NGB 5377 HOLL 11781/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB67~ Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Holl, Nordurardalshreppur64.84166667, -21.37500000100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410016687NGB 5377
190NGB 5378 SKARDSHAMAR 11881/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB6H6 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Skardshamar, Nordurardalshreppur64.80833333, -21.4583333380Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Aspect direction: NW; Slope percent: 310016709NGB 5378
191NGB 5379 KLETTSTIA 12081/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JBDWK Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Klettstia, Nordurardalshreppur64.82500000, -21.47500000110Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: VAL; Slope percent: 210016346NGB 5379
192NGB 5380 HREDAVATN 12281/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB6J7 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-18Hredavatn, Nordurardalshreppur64.75833333, -21.6083333356Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 410016710NGB 5380
193NGB 5381 ERPSSTADIR 12381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4PN Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Erpsstadir, Middalahreppur65.00833333, -21.6250000050Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 210016541NGB 5381
194NGB 5382 SAURSSTADIR 12881/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB454 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Saursstadir, Haukadalshreppur64.05833333, -21.5583333347Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 210016347NGB 5382
195NGB 5383 KALDAKINN 12981/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3HN Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Kaldakinn, Haukadalshreppur64.99166667, -21.70833333100Cultural habitat: GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 310016302NGB 5383
196NGB 5384 TUNGA 13181/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3JP Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Tunga, Hördudalshreppur65.02500000, -21.6416666750Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: N; Slope percent: 310016308NGB 5384
197NGB 5385 SVINHOLL 13381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB4HG Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-19Svinholl, Middalahreppur65.02500000, -21.60833333100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 210016384NGB 5385
198NGB 5386 VALSHAMAR 13681/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB68' Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-20Valshamar, Alftaneshreppur64.62500000, -22.0083333340Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210016688NGB 5386
199NGB 5387 AKRAR 14181/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3KQ Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-25Akrar, Hraunhreppur64.64166667, -22.3916666710Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: W; Slope percent: 210016477NGB 5387
200NGB 5388 HOLMAKOT 14281/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB476 Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-25Holmakot, Hraunhreppur64.57500000, -22.3083333310Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Slope percent: 210016361NGB 5388
201NGB 5389 HUNDASTAPI 14381/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB3QV Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-25Hundastapi, Hraunhreppur64.60833333, -22.2583333315Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 210016319NGB 5389
202NGB 5390 HRAFNKELSSTADIR 14981/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JB6AU Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-26Hrafnkelsstadir, Hraunhreppur64.62500000, -22.1250000020Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: TER; Aspect direction: S; Slope percent: 110016681NGB 5390
203NGB 5391 SYDRI-HRAUNDALUR 15181/3Agrostis capillaris L. 10.18730/1JBDZP Iceland Historic1985COLLECTED1981-08-26Sydri-hraundalur, Alftaneshreppur64.72500000, -21.99166667100Cultural habitat: HAY GRZ; Land form: SLO; Aspect direction: SW; Slope percent: 410016406NGB 5391