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Your query included: All accessions taxonomy genus name like Aegilops

View Observation Data

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0NGB 90331 H 3170Aegilops ventricosa Tausch 10.18730/1JWGGA SpainNORDGENImage1992COLLECTEDSpain: Mallorca, Baleares, Bellver39.09166667, 3.00833333100Accession remark: Less than 10 plants harvested at the collecting site. This accession was sampled in a botanical garden and true origin of plant material is unknown; Accession subtype: 4x41948NGB 90331
1NGB 90403 H 10257Aegilops tauschii Coss. 10.18730/1JQWTM Union of Soviet Soc. Rep.NORDGENImage1992COLLECTED1991-09-03USSR: Tadzhikistan, Zeravshan mtns., the road to Mogijan, at the gold mine, 1500m100Accession remark: Collected by B. Salomon and B.-R. Lu (colpernum 3329 and 6763); Accession subtype: 2x16268NGB 90403
2NGB 90442 H 10300Aegilops triuncialis L. 10.18730/1JW000 Union of Soviet Soc. Rep.NORDGENImage1992COLLECTED1991-09-10“USSR: Tadzhikistan, Gissar mtns., Choga-obigarm (“Choga hot-water springs”), 1900m”100Accession remark: Collected by B. Salomon and B.-R. Lu (colpernum 3329 and 6763); Accession subtype: 4x41947NGB 90442
3NGB 9849 KVL 11301Aegilops bicornis (Forssk.) Jaub. & Spach 10.18730/1JQWA4NORDGEN199110016260NGB 9849
4NGB 9850 KVL 11303Aegilops sharonensis Eig 10.18730/1JQWMENORDGEN199110016265NGB 9850
5NGB 9851 KVL 11304Aegilops geniculata Roth 10.18730/1JQWGANORDGENNot Available199110016263NGB 9851
6NGB 9852 KVL 11306Aegilops crassa Boiss. 10.18730/1JQWE8 Historic199110016262NGB 9852
7NGB 9853 KVL 11307Aegilops speltoides Tausch var. speltoides 10.18730/1JQWPGNORDGEN199110016266NGB 9853
8NGB 9854 KVL 11308Aegilops speltoides Tausch var. speltoides 10.18730/1JQWRJNORDGEN199110016267NGB 9854
9NGB 9855 KVL 11309Aegilops tauschii Coss. 10.18730/1JQWVNNORDGEN199110016269NGB 9855
10NGB 8517 H 3164Aegilops neglecta Req. ex Bertol. 10.18730/1JQWJC GreeceNORDGENImage1990COLLECTED1987-06-17Greece: Corfu, between Perama & Achilleion, roadside39.10833333, 19.14166667100Accession subtype: 4x16264NGB 8517
11NGB 8518 H 3147Aegilops sp.10.18730/1JBJZ' Greece Historic1990COLLECTED1983-07-09Greece: Euboea, Agios Stavros, 450m100Accession subtype: 4x16259NGB 8518
12NGB 7067 KVL 11306Aegilops crassa Boiss. 10.18730/1JQWC6NORDGENNot AvailableImage198810016261NGB 7067